Finance - Assurance - Banque

APRIL Group launches its Spring 2027 Strategic Plan

APRIL Group launches its Spring 2027 Strategic Plan with the ambition of becoming a European leader with a global stature in the mass market


Building on the success of its first transformation plan, APRIL is embarking on a new phase in itsdevelopment with the ambition of becoming a European leader of global stature in the design, distributionand management of insurance solutions and financial products. The Group is planning an ambitiousgrowth cycle, both organic and external, which will take it to a turnover of more than €1 billion by 2027.


With sales of €630m by 2023, 20% of which will be generated outside France, the Spring 2023 strategic plan hasenabled APRIL to return to its basics and achieve sustainable growth. Today, the Group is looking ahead to anew stage in its development and has set itself the target of exceeding €1 billion in turnover by 2027.


« In an extremely competitive international environment, one of the most successful insurance brokers is French!Our nearly 3,000 employees are proud to continue APRIL's history and are in action to expand our global footprint,for the benefit of our tens of thousands of partners and our millions of customers, whom we support and protecton a daily basis, » states Eric Maumy, CEO of APRIL.


Four cardinal points to guide the Group's development:

the spirit of conquest, customer delight, technological performance and talent.


The spirit of conquest to become a global consolidator


With its sustained growth, APRIL Group will further accelerate its development based on three principles:

• Organic growth in its traditional markets: health and personal insurance for individuals, professionalsand businesses, health insurance for expatriates and property and casualty insurance (auto, 2-wheeler,construction, real estate and yachting).

• Diversification into new growth drivers, as the Group has already begun to do with savings and assetmanagement, which have become the Group's 4th business line.

• Internationalisation in all its markets, starting with international health, with strong ambitions in Europe,the Middle East and Asia.


In terms of diversification and internationalisation, APRIL Group intends to step up its external growth momentum, as demonstrated by the two deals completed since the beginning of 2024 with leading Frenchsavings company DLPK and UK two-wheeler specialist Lexham Insurance.


This consolidation drive will naturally go hand in hand with APRIL's ongoing commitment to defending the interestsof customers, particularly in terms of access to quality healthcare for as many people as possible.


Enchanting partners and customers to reinvent the insurance experience

Having improved its Net Promoter Score by more than 20 points in 4 years, the Group wants to accelerate itsefforts to improve the experience of its partners and customers, by focusing on 3 key areas:

• Enhancing its service approach (easier access to healthcare networks and to teleconsultation facilities,etc.);

• Improving its digital systems - from the underwriting process to self-care areas and conversational tools;

• Strengthening and continually training the teams in contact with customers and partners, to offer themthe very best in technology and human relations.



A technological transformation that incorporates Data & AI

APRIL Group plans to invest €70 million in its digital and technological transformation by 2027, with a twofold aim:

• Capitalising on data and artificial intelligence, via iterative projects that will be carried out within the groupin France and internationally across all business lines to identify the potential for creating value foremployees, customers and partners;

• Continuing to strengthen cyber security in an environment of heightened threat to all economic players.


Providing employees with a unique experience to attract and retain talent

With an average of 400 new hires per year since 2020, APRIL Group has strengthened its team, in particular byrecruiting talent in high-tension professions, notably digital technology within its APRIL X hub and customer relations.


With its ambitions raised to 2027, the Group plans to offer a structured and enriched employee experience basedon 3 levers:

• Developing talent through the knowledge factory, which will include strengthening the APRIL Universityand launching an Apprentice Training Centre;

• Focusing on our employees, with several agreements on intergenerational dynamics and inclusion &diversity, as well as the relocation of the Group's head office to more modern, collaborative offices in Lyon(France);

• Greater sharing of value, with the opening of the capital to all the Group's employees worldwide from April 2024.


True to its roots in the social economy, the Group plans to fuel its sustainable growth with a positive and realimpact in terms of CSR, in particular through its APRIL Foundation, which focuses on the contribution ofbehavioural sciences to health prevention and promotion.


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